{% extends theme/category.html %} {% block title %} {{ $category['name'] }} - Browsing Category page {% endblock %} {% block navigation %}
{% endblock %} {% block categoryname %} {{ $category['name'] }} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% $articleCounter = 0; $categoryArticlesQuery = $db->query("select articles.id, articles.category_id, articles.slug as slug, articles.title as title, articles.excerpt as excerpt, articles.image as image, articles.created as created, authors.name as authorname, authors.linkedin as linkedin, authors.slug as authorslug, categories.name as category_name, categories.slug as category_slug from articles, authors, categories where articles.author_id = authors.id and articles.category_id = categories.id and articles.category_id = " . $category["id"] . " ORDER BY articles.created DESC"); while($categoryArticle = $categoryArticlesQuery -> fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)){ $articleCounter++; %} {% if($articleCounter <= 4){ %}{{ $categoryArticle['authorname'] }} / {{ date("d F, Y", strtotime($categoryArticle['created'])) }}
{{ $categoryArticle['excerpt'] }}
{{ date("d F, Y", strtotime($categoryArticle['created'])) }}
No articles yet in this category.
{% } %} {% endblock %}